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Automatic supply of consumables

(excluding cost / copy contract)

We offer free solutions to save time and simplify life!

Setting up : Negotiation of a discounted price for consumables according to customer needs. Installation of an agent (software) allowing the feedback of information, the definition of the alert rate and the addresses of the delivery locations.

Fonctionnement : Users print normally. Once the minimum ink rate is reached, an alert automatically triggers the sending of a message to the processing center ESIStore. The customer and the salesperson ESIStore can be informed. The necessary consumable is shipped. The user receives his new consumable before the old one is empty.

For sites with many printing points, we suggest grouping shipments at the rate of one shipment per week in order to reduce the environmental, economic and logistical impact.

At the end of the month, an invoice containing the details of the deliveries made is sent. This invoice can be sent by email and direct debit.

The customer no longer has to worry about managing printing supplies.

At any time, the different information can be checked. All the settings are scalable.

Reports detailing impressions are also provided free of charge.

Beyond the supply of consumables, statistics make it possible to reorganize the customer's printer fleet.

For example in the case of oversized or undersized machines; a lightly used machine can replace another more used one.

Stop : the solution put in place can be easily stopped; on request, without notice, without compensation.

The expertise of ESIStore made available to its customers!

Schéma approvisionnement automatique des consommables

ESIStore : +33

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